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DISPATCH 2: Want some bullshit with your handshake?

04 Aug 2004 by Deeper Throat

John Kerry and George Bush have taken America by storm! They’re both hot on the campaign trail seeking out the votes of John Q.Public, and today they both took to the great state of Iowa mere blocks from each other, each shucking and shoving ears of corn in their mouths in desperate attempts to win the hearts of middle America. It’s obvious that eating corn comes a bit more naturally to Bush than it does to Kerry, but we all have our strengths and weaknesses, no?

Both candidates are making it clear that they’ll do anything to identify with whatever demographic they’re currently schlepping their campaign to, even if it means for Kerry traveling on - GASP! - a bus! And while he husked corn with the best of the midwest, running mate John Edwards took to Little Rock, AR, where he knocked out three of his teeth and impregnated his second cousin, all in the name of their ” grassroots” campaign.

And the cultural saturation doesn’t stop there! Tomorrow, Bush will be in Columbus, OH, where he plans to commemorate the discovery of America by reenacting the first Thanksgiving, and a few days later he’ll be in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin where he’ll spend the hour attempting to pronounce the words Oconomowoc,” Wisconsin,” and Gouda.” After that he’ll head down to Alamogordo, New Mexico where he plans to thank his constituents for supporting his campaign, and then remind them that new Mexicans can’t vote -you gotta be 18, people.

Kerry’s team isn’t revealing as much about their next campaign stops as the Bush campaign, but we’ve learned enough about him over the past few weeks to estimate which cities they might visit soon. After having to spend *6 entire days* in cities full of poor, average people, you can bet Kerry will retreat to a town certain to make him a little more comfortable where he can rest and regain his bearings. And while Kerry’s tossing back some Merlot and trying to figure out what a “Camry” is, you can be sure Edwards will be safe in the suburbs having his teeth bleached and his bangs trimmed. Once they’ve recuperated from shaking the dirty hands of the middle class, the duo will return to the bowels of America for more “identifying” with the voters. There’s even rumors that they’ll talk to unemployed people.

Bush has plans for another trip through the midwest in the upcoming weeks as well, especially Iowa so he can stock up some more corn.

63 comments so far (Post a Comment)

04 Aug 2004 | matthew said...

this is terrible.

04 Aug 2004 | Realish said...

Does anybody really enjoy this sort of hipper-than-thou bullshit any more?

While you're uncritically regurgitating media stereotypes about Kerry -- who's running against a man immersed in a political and economic dynasty, about as far from the average corn-eating man on the street as you can get -- real issues are at stake. How about a post on Kerry's health care plan? How about a post on Bush's missile defense system? Or how about at least a post that shows some basic maturity and cognizance of the fact that there are grown-ups out there dealing with issues and events that matter?

I know that posing like you're above it all is fun. It's certainly easier than reading up on issues or giving a shit about the welfare of your fellow citizens -- welfare that is most decidedly on the line this election. But it's really nothing more than self-pleasuring. Don't make us watch.

If you want to chatter to the kool kids about how hopelessly gauche the whole campaign is, please do it somewhere other than on a site I come to for news on web design.

04 Aug 2004 | Darrel said...

I think I missed the point of that post.

04 Aug 2004 | Jonny Roader said...


I agree wholeheartedly with the first two posters, but let me add something else in. The entire world is following this US election, possibly like no other US election in modern history. Alot hinges upon the US electorate's choice between two very flawed political characters and parties. It's not even vaguely overplaying it to say that events in November will impact on billions of lives: the world really is, again, in the position of trusting its future to the political instincts of the American people.

To read rubbish like this on a high quality, intelligent blog makes me worry that the world really shouldn't trust those instincts. If this is how the smart people are reacting, what the fuck are the rednecks and fundamentalists up to?

Blame the candidates all you like (and they are lacklustre), but if you've got the time to analyse and write about the US election please - for the love of mankind - be thoughtful.

There's a place for this kind of cynical commentary, but it has to fulfill two basic rules:

1. Be funny.
2. Be smart.

This is neither, it's just shit.

04 Aug 2004 | bobby said...

i think the point (imho) is the hilarity of two photos.

04 Aug 2004 | JF said... in November will impact on billions of lives: the world really is, again, in the position of trusting its future to the political instincts of the American people... To read rubbish like this on a high quality, intelligent blog makes me worry that the world really shouldn't trust those instincts.

Resting the future of the world on a blog post? Who's being a bit silly now?

04 Aug 2004 | John Y. said...

And the signal to noise ratio on this blog gets a little worse yet again. Ironic, no?

If you want to talk about politics, fine, talk about politics. I'd love to see an intelligent discussion. But I don't feel the need to see your holier-than-thou bullshit about how John Kerry holds an ear of corn.

04 Aug 2004 | Jonny Roader said...

"Resting the future of the world on a blog post? Who's being a bit silly now?"

Oooh, touchy! That's not what I meant at all, don't be so daft. Maybe the noise is drowning out the signal a wee bit here?

*All* I said, in essence, was that this very serious issue deserves serious contemplation. And if that's impossible, the very least it deserves is good writing.

04 Aug 2004 | JF said...

There's plenty of places for serious contemplation of serious issues. It's flattering that you think SvN is the place to get serious, but...

Perhaps the candidates should lead the way down serious street. Have you heard any serious plans in any of these speeches? Have you heard any concrete steps to get us out of the situations we're in? Are you listening to what is coming out of their mouths?

And, BTW, I swear on the eyes of my children (as Ali G would say) that I'm not Deeper Throat.

04 Aug 2004 | sloan said...

This is just stupid.

04 Aug 2004 | Realish said...

"Perhaps the candidates should lead the way down serious street. Have you heard any serious plans in any of these speeches? Have you heard any concrete steps to get us out of the situations we're in? Are you listening to what is coming out of their mouths?"

That's a dodge. Yes, they do substantive speeches on their plans, and their are detailed plans on their websites. The media practically refuses to cover it -- they're too busy with the horse race, or the naughty word Teresa said, or where Kerry gets his haircut, or... how they eat corn.

There's plenty of substance out there if you make the slightest effort to find it. If you're not willing to make the effort -- well, why waste the pixels?

Jaded cynicism is so 1990s.

04 Aug 2004 | JF said...

There's plenty of substance out there if you make the slightest effort to find it. If you're not willing to make the effort -- well, why waste the pixels?

Oh, I've found it. Doesn't mean I can't have a laugh or two about what someone wrote. You serious all the time? It's politics -- half of it IS a joke!

04 Aug 2004 | Josh Williams said...

Yikes, sounds like SvN struck a nerve regarding one's position on holding corn. People, it's satire. Remember, you're not paying to read this. If it hacks you off, you have every right to go to another blog that posts on topics you'd rather read about.

Nobody is making you watch.

04 Aug 2004 | DF said...

. . . and as long as you're dissing MY candidate, the worse your writing gets . . .

Golly gee willikers, folks - if you think someone's stepping on your toes, maybe you should put your shoes back on.
Just in case you didn't notice (which is pretty flippin' obvious), this is not a pro-ANYbody piece.
Oh, wait - - I forgot - - you Democrats/Republicans/fill-in-the-party-of-your-choice don't have a sense of humor.
Build a bridge . . . (and then get over it)

04 Aug 2004 | capt. nematode said...

this remind me of

04 Aug 2004 | Vince said...

I assume you'll be changing the name of this site to just plain "Noise" shortly to reflect the new direction this site's content has evidently taken.

Who'd have thought that SvN (oh, sorry, I mean N) would so quickly be marginalized. Oh well.

04 Aug 2004 | talk to the hand said...

Build a bridge . . . (and then get over it)...

Oh god...

04 Aug 2004 | beto said...

Well I do believe in freedom of expression and all that, but don't you think there are lots of sites more suitable to dump cynical politics bashing on than, say... SvN? (not to mention its parent site). Presidential election matters may be white hot at the moment, but two years from now you may look at this post and think "God, WTF is this doing here?" ...

That's how I feel about it anyway.

04 Aug 2004 | WTF said...

The media practically refuses to cover it -- they're too busy with the horse race, or the naughty word Teresa said, or where Kerry gets his haircut, or... how they eat corn.

Oh please. Really. Perhaps you don't watch Chris Matthews ripping into political candidates and analysts each night, demanding they speak the truth on "serious" issues. Perhaps you didn't notice the extended coverage of the DNC that the networks aired last week. If I'm correct that's part of the "media" that you claim only focuses on haircuts. Perhaps you limit your newsfeeds to CNET and are thus incapable of recognizing any kind of political satire whatsoever.

Don't be so bitter because someone's poking a little fun. Do you get so uptight when you watch Saturday Night Live? Or The Daily Show? Or when you read The Onion?

Oh that's right, CNET nerds are so out of touch with society that they have no sense of humor. I hear your RSS feed ticking - better flip back to Instapundit!

04 Aug 2004 | Jonny Roader said...

Realish has it spot on.

And my point about the 'seriousness' of SvN, JF, is simply that the people you normally let write for you are always decent writers and thinkers of one ilk or another (Jim Coudal for example). I presume you choose them because they match the audience. See where I'm going?

There's enough dumbed-down rubbish around as it is. Deeper Throat should aspire to something better IMO. Here's hoping DISPATCH 3 actually has something to say.

04 Aug 2004 | Jonny Roader said...

"Don't be so bitter because someone's poking a little fun. Do you get so uptight when you watch Saturday Night Live? Or The Daily Show? Or when you read The Onion? "

All of which would be absolutely fine if Deeper Throat was actually funny.

04 Aug 2004 | Darrel said...

Don't be so bitter because someone's poking a little fun. Do you get so uptight when you watch Saturday Night Live? Or The Daily Show? Or when you read The Onion?

Daily Show or The Onion? No. Why? Because they are FUNNY.

SNL, like this post, well, they're not funny...just sloppy writing with little thought.

05 Aug 2004 | SH said...

And my point about the 'seriousness' of SvN, JF, is simply that the people you normally let write for you are always decent writers and thinkers of one ilk or another (Jim Coudal for example). I presume you choose them because they match the audience.

I'm really putting myself out on a limb here, but I have to mention that *I* was a guest poster on SvN not too long ago, and I don't think JF asked me because I "match the audience." I suffered the same little attacks on my pieces when I wrote here because I think the readers of this site wanted the same ol, same ol and were just itching to rake someone over the coals for having a difference of opinion. I commend Jason for mixing things up a bit, for not being afraid to bring in someone who'll stir the pot a little, and for defending them with his own comments!

And honestly. "...and then remind them that new Mexicans cant vote -you gotta be 18, people." *THAT* is hysterical. THAT is straight Daily Show caliber. SO GREAT.

05 Aug 2004 | Jonny Roader said...

"I'm really putting myself out on a limb here, but I have to mention that *I* was a guest poster on SvN not too long ago, and I don't think JF asked me because I "match the audience." I suffered the same little attacks on my pieces when I wrote here because I think the readers of this site wanted the same ol, same ol and were just itching to rake someone over the coals for having a difference of opinion. I commend Jason for mixing things up a bit, for not being afraid to bring in someone who'll stir the pot a little, and for defending them with his own comments!"

Fair enough, but ain't that matching to the audience??

05 Aug 2004 | SH said...

Touche! Good point. But really, lighten up a bit. It's all fun, and I'm sure tomorrow Deeper will post about the AIDS crisis and dead babies.

05 Aug 2004 | sloan said...

If you think any of the news outlets is doing a good job check the length of the speeches compared to the amount of time they broadcasted them. Its awful. If it weren't for CSPAN you couldn't watch the actual speeches at all. This link is bashing FOX, but really I have a problem with all of the news agencies:

05 Aug 2004 | The Lorax is Dead said...

It's easy to criticize writing on a blog -- it takes a lot more cahones to publish your own stance and opinion on the matter being discussed.

What constructive comments do you have about the state of the current presidential election cycle? Or would you rather continue to circle-jerk about the quality of Deeper Throat's writing? Talk about "noise"... C'mon people.

05 Aug 2004 | Randy Peterman said...

If I were to stretch this article out a little I think the real SvN implication is that the politicians [and their spin doctors] are spewing out their noise trying to get people to vote for them. I have listened to BOTH Kerry and Bush blatantly avoid questions while using the exact words in the questions to make their 'answers' sound like answers - but they weren't. Not enough signal, too much noise. If Kerry wants me to vote for him he's going to have to clearly state his stances and NOT tell me about how he was a war veteran - being a veteran does not make you fit to be president. The 'Bush Dynasty' is also full of sliding and manouvering that makes one wonder why he's in office.

But, since this isn't my blog, and, since I did like this post, it made me think funny, too, I say that those who are upset need to relaxe and work hard at posting their own political comments on their blogs and let their readers appreciate what they wrote.

05 Aug 2004 | Don Schenck said...

This is all really, really great!

As a former journalist, I know that stirring up any interest, be it positive or negative, is what you want.

People are talking (posting?). Cool.

Good job, Deep Throater. Keep it going. ;-)

05 Aug 2004 | Don Schenck said...

Oops; I meant "Deeper Throat", of course.

05 Aug 2004 | SH said...

I love you Don! Reason, reason, reason!

05 Aug 2004 | Sunny said...

And these are the same people who haven't wasted a single breath in making fun of Bush in previous posts, in this same site.

Come on guys, lighten up. Think of this as the light-hearted conclusion of the prodigiously illuminating political discourse coming out of both campaigns, which are then regurgitated enmasse by the media.

Hey no doubt Real people are affected by the coming elections. No doubt Real issues are to be discussed. Well how about getting some Real people nominated in the first place?

If somebody has missed the point of this post, I would like to point it out in a few words: Kerry and Bush are not Real but phony. If anything, Deeper Throat has shown how both are "pretending" to Americans that they are the Real deal.

Jason said that half of politics is a joke. The other half, thanks to Kerry and Bush, is downright hilarious.

05 Aug 2004 | Smart Graphic Designers said...

The stupidest thing graphic designers talking about politics.

05 Aug 2004 | stp said...

Well, there's this thing that happens when underground, not-so-famous rock bands start getting some favorable national attention. Sometimes they start to believe their own hype. And then they start to color outside the lines of their own field of expertise. Seems to me that 'deeper throat' is just about as ready for prime-time as Veruca Salt's second album was.

All I can say is, gimme a break....

05 Aug 2004 | LNJ said...

Build a bridge . . . (and then get over it)

I thought is was, "Cry me a river, build a bridge, and then get over it."???

05 Aug 2004 | From Europe said...

Jonny Roader said earlier
The entire world is following this US election, possibly like no other US election in modern history. Alot hinges upon the US electorate's choice between two very flawed political characters and parties. It's not even vaguely overplaying it to say that events in November will impact on billions of lives: the world really is, again, in the position of trusting its future to the political instincts of the American people.
And, being a European who has lived in the US for a long time, I am shocked at how quickly the sympathy after 9/11 turned to open hatred. Not towards the american people, mind you, but towards Bush and his administration. Now, quite a few issues would certainly not go away in a Kerry adminstration but a vast majority here would see a Bush-victory as nothing but catastrophic.
So, please, please, do not give us another four years of Bush. It would indeed be catastrophic for the whole world.

But then again, what matters the voice of a single european on a design blog following a rather moronic post on the election.

Anyway, good blog... usually. Peace. Out.

05 Aug 2004 | Sebhelyesfarku said...

The entire world is following this US election, possibly like no other US election in modern history.

Personally I don't give a flying f*** about that. I'm not so naive to think that actually an 'administration' rules US. Money, Wall Street, Tel-Aviv, CIA control that pathetic mix of anything and anything else. The Western (and Eastern) civilization is in decay anyway. Welcome to the Kaly-Yuga. Bush or Kelly? is it a question that matters? LOL

05 Aug 2004 | Don Schenck said...

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah ... if I wasn't married ... *sigh*.
Lighten up, folks, and Enjoy The Ride.

05 Aug 2004 | Mark said...

"...Lighten up, folks..."

I tend to think the reasoning behind some (most) of these disappointed type responses has more to do with how this series was sold to the audience moreso than folks taking life too seriously.

To present people with a promise of a non-partisian, pull no punches type series from an insider with some real opinions - whose first two posts offer information which the ordinary, non-insider could of presented, mearly by watching the DNC on TV or scoping out the standard news sites occassionally - is, thus far, a letdown.

Something considered by some over-promised, and (thus far) under-delivered from an agency where that's typically not the case.

I think that's what we're seeing here.

05 Aug 2004 | Jose Rui Fernandes said...

I don't understand why people get so upset with this post. Everybody is one click away of a place far, far, away. Not every post in this blog is about design and I think the elections are a good topic, with or without humor.
I hope Bush is putting the mouth in some transgenic corn, for coherence sake.
For me the problem with the elections in general is the "democracy" (simplicity) of the message. Nowadays in order to reach more and more people (voters), the message is close to meaningless. Sometimes I think there's no message at all.
For Bush there's the additional problem of all the shameless lies he told and general laziness and incompetence.
I have the feeling that about Kerry, what people know is that he served in Vietnam. I do know he voted for the war in Iraq, he lived in Europe sometime and not much more.
I know what makes Bush a bad president, but I don't know what makes Kerry a good one.

05 Aug 2004 | but that's just me said...

I think Deeper Throat's posts are very entertaining. As for those who are so offended by this blog because it insults their ultra superior intellects, I feel sorry for you. Who is really acting "holier-than-thou" here, after all?

If you can't let go of your partisan ideals for one minute and just LAUGH (or even smile) at the whole ridiculousness of political campaigning no matter what "side" you're talking about, well, I frankly think you need to re-examine whether or not you have a life. Come on, both candidates trying to win the hearts of voters in Iowa by eating CORN?? That's hilarious!

No one is saying the Presidential election isn't a serious matter, but, jeez, if some good ol' laughing-at-the-candidates-non-partisan-humor can't serve as a way to bring the sides together even for a second, we're beyond hope.

Ponder this: Would you be so offended if Deeper Throat was only poking fun at the candidate you're voting against? Or do you only think this is "silly" because your candidate was also being roasted? Hmmmm? Come on honest.

05 Aug 2004 | John Kerry said...

Hey, that was good corn!

05 Aug 2004 | "W" said...

Corn good! Yum! Me like tasty corns! I didn't know corn grew on a tree. Wow!

05 Aug 2004 | but that's just me said...

Good call on W, but John Kerry's picture looks more like, "And what am I exactly supposed to DO with said corn? Teresa, mummy, do have the servants pack this up and we'll bring it back to our palatial estate, just as soon as we get off this god awful bus."

05 Aug 2004 | John Y. said...

"If you can't let go of your partisan ideals for one minute and just LAUGH...

"Ponder this: Would you be so offended if Deeper Throat was only poking fun at the candidate you're voting against?"

I'm perfectly capable of laughing. This Land is Your Land? Hilarious. The Daily Show? Fantastic. The Onion? Outstanding. This just isn't funny, and it's not just the stuff about one candidate or the other. None of it is funny.

A mark of good political comedy is something that can make you laugh at your own guy. This, though, doesn't even make me laugh at the *other* guy.

05 Aug 2004 | mike o's said...

one word for all y'all. Vote.

05 Aug 2004 | pb said...

Sheesh. I thought the post was excellent. The corn thing was yet another Kerry embarassment. The guy can't even pretend to not be absurd (I'm a Dem).

05 Aug 2004 | Mike said...

I'm from Iowa. I'm in Iowa right now. Hell, I'm working at a company that produces seed corn.


Wait, I sit at a computer all day, programming and designing for the web. Outside of research plots, there's very little actual corn growing nearby, since I'm on the edge of the city. Most of what I hear about in company news is international marketing, GMO legislation, and forming relationships with customers.

There's money in them thar ears.

05 Aug 2004 | kev said...

hey JF, isn't there an MT plugin that allows for the turning off of comments on specific posts...? May deeper throat's posts could use that. Although, now that I think about it, perhaps these posts are designed specifically to see how easy it is to get people mad about something they really have no business being mad about, a la Phil Hendrie... Now i'm seeing the light..

05 Aug 2004 | but that's just me said...

John, that's fine if you simply don't find it funny. You just have a differing sense of humor. I'm referring to the people who are taking all of this way too seriously...the people who can't seem to find ANY humor in, well, anything.

05 Aug 2004 | Deeper said...

"...perhaps these posts are designed specifically to see how easy it is to get people mad about something they really have no business being mad about..."

Snarky bloke, aren't you? The first to notice that words can be designed for certain effect...well done!

(P.S. Really, the comments are all the fun...I couldn't imagine not having them, especially that cheeky Roader fella. "Snooze.")

05 Aug 2004 | pb said...

Yeah, that's it: turn off comments on the posts most likely to have active discussion!

05 Aug 2004 | dm said...

I'm not upset that deep throat is spinning this stuff sarcstically. I am perplexed as to why people think it's funny. There is definately a place for laugh inspiring political commentary in a world full of the same old punditry, but this stuff just isn't that great. It's not dry, it's not goofball, it's not raunchy or intellectual. Someone likened it to (modern) SNL writing - a spot on observation.

I'm sure Deeper Throat is a funny, capable writer - but this stuff comes across as being pretty tired to me.

Snarky bloke, aren't you? The first to notice that words can be designed for certain effect...well done!

If you are implying your article was intended to elicit ire at the "quality of satire" as opposed to "satire at all", then that's just annoyingly meta and not even political at all.

I look forward to more(er) Deeper Throat, with hopes these carps will work themself out before his/her time here is over.

05 Aug 2004 | pb said...

What's with everyone gettin' all serious??

06 Aug 2004 | but that's just me said...

I think you just summed up everything I was trying to say, pb.

06 Aug 2004 | ynot said...

wow... is that Ozzy on the bus with kerry?

06 Aug 2004 | dm said...

What's with everyone gettin' all serious??

If people are not vocal about the quality of the things they consume, it all goes the way of broadcast TV in the end...

06 Aug 2004 | nl said...


Perhaps you missed the entirety of the introductory post?

The final sentence in that post: "So, here comes some real opinions..."

Perhaps your feeling that this section (a whopping 2 posts so far) is "over-promised, and (thus far) under-delivered" is not actually that, but rather, unrealistic and uninformed expectations. "Here comes some real opinions" seems to lend itself to something other than the 'hard news and commentary' you're looking for.

So let's cheer up and not be "letdown". After all, I'm sure Deeper Throat didn't mean those mean things he said about your favorite candidate.

06 Aug 2004 | but that's just me said...

wow... is that Ozzy on the bus with kerry?

Now that's just mean...*snicker*

06 Aug 2004 | MrBlank said...

"wow... is that Ozzy on the bus with kerry?"

That made reading this whole dumb thing worth it. :)

08 Aug 2004 | Indi said...

Hey, on this site even a string of posts discussing whether a main blog posting is funny or not ... a waste of time or not ... over-reacted to or not ... is a good read.

Thanks you one and all. And no, I don't think you all exist just for my entertainment ... well not mainly for my entertainment anyway.

12 Aug 2004 | Aaron said...

Just an FYI for Prez Bush, and everyone else not from Wisconsin, its:



30 Jan 2005 | compatelius said...

bocigalingus must be something funny.

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